Telltale American Pharoah "A.P."

AKC #: SR86896102
Birth Date: 02/22/2015
Colors/Markings: Liver & White
Breeder: Celie Florence & Robin Novack & Beth Fink & Delores Streng
Owners: Corey Benedict


MBIS MBISS GCH Telltale American Ride CH Telltale Do The Dew CH Telltale Salute CH Telltale Freestyle
CH Telltale Coral Rock
CH Telltale Fair Voyage CH Telltale Voyager
CH Telltale Galaxia
CH Telltale Miss Independent CH Telltale Salute CH Telltale Freestyle
CH Telltale Coral Rock
CH Telltale Hide and Seek CH Telltale Redwoods Apollo
CH Telltale Emily Rules
CH Telltale Hawaiin Sunset GCH Cerise Signature of Telltale CD RN CH Telltale Freestyle CH Telltale Davey Jones
CH Telltale Lotto
CH Cerise Winsome Winter Rose CH Salilyn's Condor
CH Cerise's Jubilee Royale
CH Telltale Allegiance CH Telltale Salute CH Telltale Freestyle
CH Telltale Coral Rock
CH Telltale Fair Voyage Telltale Rock A Feller
CH Telltale Eclipse of the Heart
Copyright © 2013 Telltale English Springer Spaniels. Design by Jillayne Karras & Jeffrey Hanlin