AKC #: SR41293006
Birth Date: 11/18/2006
Colors/Markings: Liver & White
Breeders: Celie Florence & Delores Streng & Beth Fink & Robin Novack
Owners: Celie Florence & Delores Streng & Beth Fink & Robin Novack


We are very proud of Burke's first breeding to CH Telltale Rider in the Sky. Burke's puppies are doing very well in the show ring. One has finished his American championship and another is a Canadian champion. The other two are major pointed.


CH Telltale Salute CH Telltale Freestyle CH Telltale Davey Jones CH Telltale Sea Captain
CH Telltale Nellie Blye
CH Telltale Lotto CH Telltale Eclipse
CH Destiny Telltale Mizz
CH Telltale Coral Rock CH Telltale Castle Rock AD CH Telltale Royal Stuart
CH Telltale Market Tip
CH Telltale Sunflower CH Telltale Voyager
CH Telltale Sun Kist
CH Kehre’s Gotta Have Moxie CH Eldamar's Ashwyn Discovery CH Telltale Eclipse CH Telltale Scruples
CH Autumfire Artesian
CH Neogahbow's Eldamar Spin Off CH Telltale Eclipse
CH Neogahbow's Indian Summer
CH Kehre's Bewitched CH Salilyn's Condor CH Salilyn's Dynasty
CH Salilyn's Emblem
CH Kehre's Adora Lasting Kiss CH Avalon's Lasting Impression
CH Kehre's Kiss N' Tell
Copyright © 2013 Telltale English Springer Spaniels. Design by Jillayne Karras & Jeffrey Hanlin