AKC #: SA399888
Birth Date: 07/04/1966
Colors/Markings: Liver & White

One autumn day in 1966, Delores went to visit Mary Lee Hendee to see if a nice pet was available. Mary Lee showed her four month old black puppies that had been born on the fourth of July out of Ch. Inchidony Prince Charming and Ch. Cannarch Sunnyside. Delores asked to buy Canarch Yankee Patriot. Duffy (CH Canarch Yankee Patriot CD) was not only Delores’s first show Springer, but one of her favorites. Delores put his CD title on him herself. He was patient and loving and very accepting of having her children climb all over him. He was also quick to learn and was a great show dog. He loved to hunt birds with Delores’s young sons at their summer lake home. He would swim and cruise along with the ducks until he tired.

CH Inchidony Prince Charming CH Salilyn's Citation II CH Salilyn's Sensation CDX CH Frejax Royal Request
Queen Victoria of Salilyn
Salilyn's Princess Meg King Peter of Salilyn
CH Salilyn's Animation
CH Salilyn's Cinderella II King Peter of Salilyn Firebrand of Sandblown Acre
Salutation of Salilyn
CH Walpride Gay Beauty CH Chaltha's The Gainer
Walpride Sensation
CH Canarch Sunnyside CD CH Syringa Disc Jockey CH Kaintuck Marc Anthony CH Kaintuck Prince Hamlet
Kaintuck Roxane
CH Syringa Sue CH Runor's Deacon
CH Her Ladyship of Melilotus
Melilotus Hufty Tufty CH Rostherne Hunter CH Studley Major
Rostherne Beauty
Melilotus Princess Dona CH Prince Charlie Of Melilotus
Melilotus Dona
Copyright © 2013 Telltale English Springer Spaniels. Design by Jillayne Karras & Jeffrey Hanlin