AKC #: SN51407101
January 25, 1998 - December 4, 2010
Colors/Markings: Liver & White
Gorsha was named after the Russian figure skater Gorsha Sur, who skated with an American partner. The team won many freestyle Ice Dancing competitions. One day he visited our home when we had a litter of puppies. After playing with the puppies, Gorsha announced that he really liked this one particular puppy. “You must name this puppy after me!” he declared. We did keep this puppy, naming him Telltale Freestyle and calling him “Gorsha.”
Gorsha was a very honest and sound dog that some people said was a bit old fashioned. However, his structure, movement, and spaniel type which he passed on to his many offspring could not be denied. In addition, his personality and temperament was outstanding. He was always the gentlemen while breeding bitches, and he loved playing with all the puppies. He greeted us every morning, singing his spaniel song. He would then perch on a grooming table in the kennels, overseeing his domain. He loved playing on the agility course in my yard, and although I never got the chance to put an agility title on him, we both had a lot of fun.
Gorsha was a Best In Specialty winner, and he sired several other Best in Show and Best in Specialty kids. In the beginning we were only going to use him on our family of bitches, but soon several breeders outside the family asked to use him on their bitches. He sired many champions, regardless of what bitch was brought to him. Regardless of her type or style, regardless of her pedigree or lineage, he gave her the best he had to offer. He added to the foundation stock for such kennels as Cerise, Wynmoor, and Amilyn. The most noteworthy breeding was to CH Telltale Coral Rock (“Snow”) which produced Multi BIS, Multi BISS CH Telltale Salute, himself the sire of 38 champions and counting. Other top offspring include CH Amilyn Fanfare, CH Wynmoor Brightwater Timeless, and CH Cerise Signature of Telltale. Gorsha took us to the highest of the heights, and we are so thankful for his children and grand children and great grandchildren who have made us so proud. To have bred him, loved him, and been his friend was a privilege.
CH Telltale Davey Jones |
CH Telltale Sea Captain |
CH Salilyn's Aristocrat |
CH Inchidony Prince Charming |
CH Salilyn's Lilly of the Valley |
Telltale Victoria |
CH Salilyn's Classic |
Canarch Triple Crown |
CH Telltale Nellie Blye |
CH Salilyn's Private Stock |
CH Filicia's Bequest |
CH Salilyn's Sonnet |
CH Salilyn's Delight |
CH Salilyn's Exclusive |
CH Salilyn's Limited Edition |
CH Telltale Lotto |
CH Telltale Eclipse |
CH Telltale Scruples |
CH Telltale Royal Stuart |
CH Telltale Rejoice |
CH Autumfire Artesian |
CH Telltale Author |
CH Autumfire's Golden Haze |
CH Destiny Telltale Mizz |
CH Telltale Royal Stuart |
CH Telltale Author |
CH Stepney's Cinderella |
CH Stepney's A Dream Begins |
CH Stepney's Advocate |
CH Stepney's Vision |